How long does it take to get from Lethbridge to Calgary


The travel time from Lethbridge to Calgary depends on the mode of transportation you choose. If you are driving, it takes about 2 hours to cover the distance of approximately 215 km via the AB-2 N route.

If you are looking for a shuttle service from Lethbridge to Calgary, it typically takes about 2.5 to 3 hours, depending on traffic and the number of stops made along the way. The shuttle service providers may offer different departure and arrival times, so it's important to check their schedules in advance and plan your trip accordingly.

Some shuttle service providers that operate between Lethbridge and Calgary include Red Arrow, Greyhound, and On-It Regional Transit. It's always a good idea to book your ticket in advance to ensure availability, and to confirm the departure and arrival times with the shuttle service provider.


Photo of How long does it take to get from Lethbridge to Calgary by YQL taxi

The travel time from Lethbridge to Calgary can vary depending on the mode of transportation used. If you are driving, the distance between the two cities is approximately 220 kilometers (136 miles), and the travel time can take around 2 hours, depending on traffic and weather conditions.

If you are using a shuttle service from Lethbridge to Calgary, the travel time can be around 2-3 hours, depending on the shuttle service provider, the route they take, and any stops they make along the way. It's best to check with the shuttle service provider for their estimated travel time and schedule.

Some shuttle service providers that offer transportation from Lethbridge to Calgary include Red Arrow, Greyhound, and Rider Express. They offer different schedules and rates, so it's best to compare and choose the one that suits your needs and budget.


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